
SS-Työstö designs and manufactures a range of decoilers. Products range from stackable space savers to heavy hydraulic decoilers.

Discover the range of Decoilers at SS-Työstö

Our extensive selection of decoilers is designed to meet various industrial needs, ranging from compact, stackable models to heavy-duty hydraulic decoilers capable of handling up to 15,000 kg. Each decoiler is engineered for efficiency, durability, and ease of use.

We first bought decoilers from SS-Työstö. We currently have four SS-Työstö decoilers in use. When we noticed that the decoilers were good, we started talking about roll forming machines. – Production Manager Leo Saarni.

Decoiler 1250/2000 H

Manual decoilers

Manual decoilers are stackable and used by hand or power drill.

Decoiler 1250/2000 H

Motor decoilers

Motor decoilers are easily useable motorized decoilers.

Decoiler 1250/2000 H

Double decoilers

Double decoilers are designed for a double use.

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